Dear DVCRA Members,
I hope this letter finds you and your loved ones feeling safe and well. During these particularly challenging times, our sense of safety and camaraderie is more vital than ever. The DVCRA Board is looking for ways to help us stay connected as we encounter these demanding conditions (please see below).
It’s Dues Renewal Time
Since the DVCRA membership year matches the academic year, July 1 to June 1, it is time for us to renew our memberships for the organization. Your renewal payment is due on July 1, 2020. Please print and complete the DVCRA Dues and Membership Information form (use either attachment), write your check for $20 payable to the DVC Retirees Association, and mail both to DVC Retirees Association, 321 Golf Club Road, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523.
DVC Students Need Our Help Through Scholarships
Especially during this time of decreased employment opportunities, DVC students have an even greater need for some financial support, so please consider giving a generous donation to the DVCRA scholarship fund. While most of our membership dues go to the scholarship fund after other expenses are paid, it is not nearly enough to pay for all the scholarships we are able to give annually. For that, DVCRA relies on your additional thoughtful contributions to the scholarship fund. Because of your contributions this past year, we were able to give $1,000 each to 16 student recipients this spring and hope to match that in 2021.The DVCRA Board recommends at least a $40 contribution to help us reach our goal.
Usually the funds raised during our luncheons help us to increase the number of scholarships we can offer but having to cancel the April luncheon eliminated much of those funds. Many of you very graciously contributed the money you would have paid for the luncheon to the scholarship fund, which was immensely helpful. Thank you! If you didn’t contribute your lunch payment last April, please consider adding it to your scholarship contribution now.
If you wish to have a tax deduction for your contribution, write a separate check payable to the DVC Foundation and write in the memo space “DVC Retirees Association Scholarship Fund.”
DVCRA Members Directory
Your membership entitles you to the latest DVCRA Members Directory. This year the Directory will be sent to all paying members by US mail in the Fall.
Our Next Gathering?
We were all disappointed our Spring luncheon in April had to be canceled, and we know it is unlikely we will be able to hold our luncheon at DVC in October. As we look to the future, we all want to stay safe, but also know the importance of staying in touch with each other. The DVCRA Board is discussing ways we might be able to gather in some form such as in an online format, perhaps using Zoom or Google Meet. If you have ideas about how we might get together, please send them to Karen Castle at or call her at 925-209-6317.
If you have any questions about your membership or have any difficulty with completing the membership form, please contact Sue Shattuck, membership coordinator at 925-855-5534 or The membership form is also available on the DVCRA website at
I hope you have a delightful and healthful summer!
Sue Shattuck, DVCRA Membership Coordinator