Steve Padover d. 6/30/2024

I am sending the notification of Steve Padover’s passing.  The following was provided by his wife, Ann Padover.

Steve contributed a great deal to the DVC community–the coworkers, the students and many committees that supported all of us.  He was an intelligent, generous person.

Nancy Zink

DVCRA Liaison


Steve passed on June 30th. “He had had some significant setbacks in the last two weeks of June…. Steve passed with his wife, Ann, son David, brother Wayne, a friend of over 51 years, his amazing caregiver, who didn’t leave his side those last two weeks and an End-of-Life Doula, an experienced and wonderful…” person. “Steve had no regrets about his 82 and 1/2 years of life, his more than 57 years of marriage, his 51 years of being a father and his 15 years of being a grandfather to his granddaughter and grandson. He enjoyed his career voyage as a fourth-grade teacher, an elementary school counselor, a Dean of Continuing Education at Dominican College, a Dean of Counseling at Marin Community College, and lastly a long-time counselor to students at DVC and to many children and adults he came across outside of the college. All of this was enhanced by his travels around the world in the summers as long as his health permitted, the books he read and the friendships he made, many of which endured to the end of his life.”