2024-25 Membership Renewal and Scholarship Contribution

It’s Dues Renewal Time

Since the DVCRA membership year matches the academic year, July 1 to June 1, it is time for us to renew our memberships for the organization. Your renewal payment for 2024-2025 is due on July 1, 2023.  Please print and complete the attached DVCRA Dues and Membership Information form, write your check for $20 payable to the DVC Retirees Association, and mail both to DVC Retirees Association, 321 Golf Club Road, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523.DVC Students Continue to Need Our Help Through Scholarships Please also consider giving a generous donation to the DVCRA scholarship fund as many DVC students do need our financial support.  Because of your contributions , we were able to give $1,000 each to 20 student recipients in spring 2023 and hope to at least match that number in 2025.  For that, DVCRA relies on your additional thoughtful contributions to the scholarship fund.  The DVCRA Board recommends at least a $40 contribution to help us reach our goal.If you wish to have a tax deduction for your contribution, write a separate check payable to the DVC Foundation and write in the memo space “DVC Retirees Association Scholarship Fund.”DVCRA Members Directory

Your membership entitles you to the latest DVCRA Members Directory, which will be distributed at the DVCRA Fall Luncheon.  For those members who aren’t able to attend, the Directory will be sent to you by US mail.Membership form to download and  print

OR print from below

Diablo Valley College Retirees Association
Dues and Membership Information for 2024-2025
Your dues establish your family membership in the DVC Retirees Association for 2024-2025.
ON LINE X. If there are changes to any of your contact information, please PRINT them on the lines below. Your information will appear in the directory exactly as you’ve written it.
X Name: _______________________________ Spouse/partner (optional):_____________ X
City: _______________________________________ State: __________________
Phone: ( )___________________________email:______________________________
HELP DVCRA – I would like to help with DVC Retirees Association activities _______
Please specify type of help ____________________________________________________
1) Dues per retiree family for one year: $______ $20 (due July 1)
2a) Scholarship Contribution: $______ (at least $40 suggested to reach our goal of
20 or more $1,000 DVC Retirees Association scholarships for our students)


2b) Tax Deductible Scholarship contribution: (If you would like your scholarship contribution to be tax deductible, please write a second check made out to the DVC Foundation, and in the “Memo” area write “DVC Retirees Association Scholarship Fund.”)
Scholarship Contribution: $_______
Total $_________
Print and complete this form. Then mail it and your dues check, made out to DVC Retirees Association, along with your scholarship donation (or enclose a second check with your scholarship donation made out to the DVC Foundation). Address your envelope to:
DVC Retirees Association
321 Golf Club Road
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
Please include your return address on the envelope. It helps us sort!
Thank you! We look forward to seeing you again soon