2024-25 Membership Renewal and Scholarship Contribution


Diablo Valley College Retirees Association Dues and Membership Information for 2024-2025


Name:                                                                       Spouse/partner (optional):                               ____


Address:                                                                                                               Zip:                                 


City:                                                                                         _____________ State:             _____


Phone: (         )__________________________   email:                                                                      _





1) Dues per retiree family for one year: $20             


2a) Scholarship Contribution:                   $             


         – OR –


2b) Tax Deductible Scholarship contribution: (If you would like your scholarship contribution to be tax deductible, please write a second check made out to the DVC Foundation, and in the “Memo” area write “DVC Retirees Association Scholarship Fund.”)



Complete this form and mail with your dues check to:


DVC Retirees Association 321 Golf Club Road

Pleasant Hill, CA 94523


Please include your return address on the envelope.


We look forward you joining us!


Volunteering for the DVCRA
– I would like to help with DVC Retirees Association activities       




Please specify type of help                                                                                                                        __






An Invitation to a DVCRA Luncheon
October 25, 2024



Your former colleagues are delighted to have you join our ranks.  To get you initiated, please be our guest at your first luncheon. 



Please mail this coupon to DVC Retirees Association when you RSVP
(Membership is not required to attend your first luncheon).






Phone ___________________________Email___________________________________________ 



#Guests___________ $20 ea


Guest(s) Name(s_________________________________________________________________)



Please check any dietary preferences you may have

                       Regular                      Vegetarian.                Gluten free

Please include the following information for your name tag at the luncheon:



Year you were hired __________________________



Year you retired ______________________________________: